Researcher, National Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Brazil

PhD in Astronomy from the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP) in 2009 and postdoctoral degree from the same institute (2012). He is currently a researcher at the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS / CNPEM), leading the Carnaúba group, of the new Sirius nanofocus line. He works in the area of Astrobiology and Planetary Sciences. He is also an associate researcher at the Nucleus for Research in Astrobiology, NAP-Astrobio (IAG/USP) and has experience in studying the effects of radiation on chemical and biological systems, from micro to macro scale. He uses theoretical, experimental and fieldwork tools for the study of the interaction of life with its environment, in order to extrapolate to other planets the information of current life in extreme regions of the Earth, and past life, from the fossil record. Using 4th generation synchrotron techniques, he is contributing to the development of the new and growing field of nanopaleontology and geomicrobiology. He also works with the phenomenon of the origin of life, its adaptation to planetary surfaces and the habitability of the Solar System, including using space platforms.