Practical Infos


15-19 November 2021 at the Earth and Environmental Science Dept. of the Botswana International University of Science and Technology-BIUST, Palapye, Botswana. The workshop will be held in the hybrid mode: online (instructors and all applicants outside Botswana) and on-site in Palapye for applicants from Botswana that would like to be in physical presence.

Who is for?

Post-graduated students, researchers and professionals interested on the field satellites and space technology.

No fee

The workshop is free of charge but it requires a registration (for practical organisation).


Registration open on 15.09.2021 and closed on 12.11.2021. The workshop is free of charge but it requires a pre-registration (for practical organisation) which also includes all coffee and lunch breaks.




Attendees will be issued with a certificate of attendance. Satellite for Space Science and Technology in Africa materials will be available.


Procedure to apply for The Europlanet WorkshopSeries fellowship (go to Fellowship).

Note: Due to COVID-19, the physical presence is only allowed to applicants from Botswana and is limited by the ongoing regulation at BIUST.