Maria Del Sapio

Professor Emerita, Roma Tre University

Maria Del Sapio Garbero is Professor Emerita at Roma Tre University and the founding Honorary President of the Shakespeare’s Rome International Summer School (SRISS). She has done extensive work on Shakespeare as well as  Victorian, modernist, and postmodern literature and culture. Among her Shakespearean publications, the edition of several collections of essays (La traduzione di Amleto nella cultura europea, 2002; Identity, Otherness and Empire in Shakespeare’s Rome, 2009; Questioning Bodies in Shakespeare’s Rome, 2010; Shakespeare and the New Science, 2016; Rome in Shakespeare’s World, 2018). She is the author of Il bene ritrovato. Le figlie di Shakespeare dal King Lear ai romances (2005) and the newly issued Shakespeare’s Ruins and Myth of Rome (New York and London: Routledge, 2022).

Making Ruins/Hecuba Speak: Lucrece’s Pictorial Performance of Her Traumatized Body.