Electrochimica Acta Special Issue

An Electrochimica Acta Virtual Special Issue (EA VSI) is planned, consisting of papers based on ISEECap 2022 oral and poster presentations.

Guest Editors: Francesca Soavi, Catia Arbizzani, Marco Giorgetti, Barbara Ballarin

 Instructions for submission of contributions

Contributors should follow specific instructions on how to submit a paper:

1)         Go to: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/electrochimica-acta

2)         Click on the "Submit Paper" option from the top menu

3)         Enter your username and password (first time users will have to register)

4)         Select “ISEECAP 2022” as the ‘Article Type’

5)         Select "Sotiropoulos" at the "Request Editor" dropdown menu

6)         Follow the remaining step-by-step instructions to submit your paper


Submission of contributions: From 16th July 2022 with deadline 16th November 2022.

Submission of contributions: Deadline postponed to 31st December 2022.