Huub Dijstelbloem
Professor of Philosophy of Science, Technology and Politics, University of Amsterdam
Huub Dijstelbloem is Professor of Philosophy of Science, Technology and Politics and Scientific Director of the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Amsterdam. He is co-founder of the Platform for the Ethics and Politics of Technology and one of the initiators of the movement Science in Transition.
Building bridges between science, research, society and policy-making, and methodological and conceptual innovation is central to his work. He was a member of the KNAW advisory committees on roots and prevention of inappropriate behavior in academia (present) and on the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2015-2016) and served twice as ad interim Chair of the Department of Philosophy.
Previously, he was affiliated with the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) and the Rathenau Institute. At the WRR, he worked on food policy, international security, European cooperation, climate justice, and long-term climate policy. At the Rathenau Institute, he advised the government and stimulated public debate on emerging technologies, privacy and information technologies, and biomedical developments.
His work has been published in Nature, Security Dialogue, Geopolitics, the Journal of Borderlands Studies, International Political Sociology, Sociology of Health and Illness and the Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. His most recent book is Borders as Infrastructure: The Technopolitics of Border Control (MIT Press, 2021).