Chiara Loschi
Postdoctoral Fellow at Processing Citizenship, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, University of Bologna
Chiara Loschi is currently postdoctoral fellow in the ERC Processing Citizenship project team, at the Department of Philosophy and Communication, University of Bologna.
From 2018 to 2020 she held a position as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna, Institut Für Politikwissenschaft, in the frame of an FWF-funded project led by Dr. Peter Slominski, “The EU Border Protection Regime: The Cooperation between EU Agencies and its Consequences for Fundamental Rights”. From 2017 to 2018, she was based in Tunis as CNRS postdoc researcher in the frame of an EU HORIZON2020 project, “EUNPACK. Good intention mixed results” (grant N. 693337), on EU crisis response in Libya. She holds a MA in Cultural anthropology with a thesis focusing on the memory of colonial occupation in Libya and the dynamics of former settlers’ mobilizations in modern Italy. She has been based in Tunisia for several years between 2013 and 2018, and she has conducted fieldwork in Tripoli and west Libya in 2010.
Her research lies at the intersection of political science and sociology, science and technology studies, EU studies, with an ethnographic approach, with a focus on governance by and of data infrastructures, and how they impact national and supranational institutions.