The Pennsylvania State University - State College main campus
Steroid Hormones in Physiology - lecture by John Waters
A glimpse into biochemical research that inspires new therapies: cell surface modulators of signaling and cell metabolism - lecture by Scott Selleck
Visual Thinking Strategies in Medical Education - hands-on workshop with Mark Stephens
Visual Thinking Strategies in Medical Education - hands-on workshop with Mark Stephens
Visual Thinking Strategies in Medical Education - hands-on workshop with Mark Stephens
Visual Thinking Strategies in Medical Education - group poem activity by Mark Stephens and Michael Flanagan
Visual Thinking Strategies in Medical Education - group poem activity with Mark Stephens and Michael Flanagan
Developing professional identity as healthcare professionals - hands-on workshop with Mark Stephens
Developing professional identity as healthcare professionals - hands-on workshop with Mark Stephens
Multilingual and Intercultural Communication - peer mentoring in Jason Laine's class