Welcome to the Calista WG2 Workshop
"Recent Advances in Classical and Quantum Integrability"
The Workshop will be hosted at the University of Leeds. The talks will start on Monday June 2 in the morning and end on Friday June 6 at noon.
Registration is free but mandatory. You may propose a talk by filling the application form.
Please notice that the workshop is open to all CaLISTA participants. If you wish to participate in the workshop pleae fill the registration form and confirm your participation when you receive the invitation letter. If you are not yet a participant of the Cost action and you are interested in participating in this workshop, please visit the the web page of the project https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21109/ to join it and fill the registration form.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Leeds!

Program Committee:
Simonetta Abenda (University of Bologna)
Alexander Mikhailov (University of Leeds)
Sara Lombardo (Herriott Watt University)
Jing Ping Wang (Univeristy of Kent at Canterbury)
Local Organizing Committee:
Vincent Caudrelier (University of Leeds)
Allan Fordy (University of Leeds)
Anup Anand Singh (University of Leeds)
Oleg Chalykh (University of Leeds)
For all enquiries about Leeds and the workshop, please contact the Organizers at integrability@leeds.ac.uk
Please visit this page frequently. More piece of information on the activities of the Integrable Systems' group at the University of Leeds may be found at https://integrable-systems.leeds.ac.uk/