Call for papers

We welcome both academic and industry contributions to the New Frontiers of Construction Management Workshop 24. Abstracts and papers should be written in English.

Abstract and full paper submissions are managed through the online conference management system. Authors are invited to submit abstracts and papers concerning one of the workshop topics. Abstracts will have a maximum lenght of  250 words and 5 keywords. 

Papers will have a minimum lenght of 8 pages and a maximum length of 10 pages including images, with no more than 8 images. 

Submitted conference papers will be subject to a double-blind review by leading experts. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings previous registration of the speaker and paper presentation at the workshop. No fee are required.

The best contributions shall be recognized via best paper awards and chances for getting their papers published via short track in a well-known scientific journal (class A - MUR).


abstract template

[ .doc 167Kb ]

paper template (blind)

[ .doc 185Kb ]

Please register and submit your abstract in the submission page: