Recommended Hotels for Conference Attendees
Bologna is a lively city, hosting numerous events and attracting many tourists throughout the year. Therefore, it is advisable to book your hotel accommodation well in advance. Below you can find a list of centrally located hotels we recommend contacting.
When submitting your booking request, please mention your attendance at the ECTN General Assembly and Annual Meeting 2025.
Hotel Europa by Zanhotel Group
Via Cesare Boldrini, 11 - 40121 – Bologna (BO) Italia
Ph. +39 051 4211348 – Fax +39 051 247988
Fiorenza Berti (Reservation Manager9
Hotel Accademia
Via delle Belle Arti 6
40126 Bologna
tel +39.051.232318 - fax +39.0515065120
Here you can find a list of additional accommodations and get a 10% discount by entering the code ECTN25 (codice sconto).