Gregory Mannion

Professor of Education at University of Stirling
I have spent all of my professional career in education. First, I taught as a primary school teacher in Ireland for ten years between 1986- 1996. Whilst a teacher, I designed in-service environmental education CPD using the outdoors as the key educational context. My own doctorate at University of Stirling (completed 1999) looked at pupils’ participation in changing outdoor places. Since then I have worked as a researcher and senior lecturer and I now work in the Faculty of Social Sciences - Education. Currently, I teach on the EdD, MRes (Educational Research) and on the Initial Teacher Education programme (primary); I supervise students at masters and doctorate level.
My substantive research interests include: young people's participation in change, the place-related dimensions of learning and human-environment interaction, outdoor and environmental learning, education for sustainable development and global citizenship, rights-based education, citizen science & learning, intergenerational /child-adult relations, learners’ experiences of formal and non-formal education, visual and participatory research. I take a broadly 'new materialist' approach to ontological and epistemological issues in research.