
Andrea Bagnato

Independent scholar, writer

Andrea Bagnato is a researcher and writer. He graduated from the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths College. He teaches at WdKA in Rotterdam and at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Andrea’s practice moves between writing, editing, and curating. Under the long-term project Terra Infecta, it looks at epidemiological histories to untangle current eco-political and social conflicts.

Michelle Bastian

University of Edinburgh | University of Oslo

Michelle Bastian works in the areas of critical time studies and environmental humanities, with a broad focus on the role of time in social processes of inclusion and exclusion. Currently her work is focused on time-keeping practices in a context of climate crisis, and developing humanities approaches to phenology, the scientific study of life-cycle timing in plants, animals and environments. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Oslo with the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, and in 2021-2022 was a Mid-Career Fellow supported by the Independent Social Research Foundation.

Vando Borghi

University of Bologna

Vando Borghi is Full Professor of Sociology of Economic Processes, Work and Organisation at the University of Bologna. He has conducted sociological research mainly on the relationship between work, socio-economic transformations, and social life. The concepts of capacity and voice of social actors (capability, critical capacities of actors, capacity to aspire) are the keywords through which he has tried to deepen social processes and transformations. More recently, he has focused these research interests on infrastructures as socio-technical devices that connect things and experiences, and on how infrastructures strongly characterize the contemporary phase of capitalism. These different areas of research can be subsumed under a fundamental interest in the "social basis of democracy" and the processes of its erosion.

Giada Coleandro

(University of Bologna | Researchers 4 Climate Justice)

Giada Coleandro is a PhD candidate in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Bologna, where she is also a Research Fellow. Her doctoral thesis focuses on energy decentralisation in Italy, examining the implementation of Renewable Energy Communities as a case study. She has been a visiting PhD student at the Urban Futures Studio of the Utrecht University and at the Laboratoire Pacte of the University of Grenoble. She is currently engaged in a project that aims to realise an Urban Digital Twin, with the objective of facilitating informed and responsible local decision-making. She is involved in the Climate Justice University, which is part of the larger Researchers for Climate Justice initiative.

Claudio Coletta

University of Bologna

Claudio Coletta works as an Associate Professor in Sociology of Culture and Communication at the University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy. His research is in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), with a particular focus on the relationship between digital infrastructures, organizational processes, climate change, and urban transformations, using ethnographic/qualitative approaches. He is part of the research group in Governance Of and By Infrastructures (GOBI) at the Department of Philosophy. From 2020 to 2023 he has been recipient of a MSCA-IF Global Fellowship, with the project INFRATIME - Infrastructuring Time in Smart Urbanism and Urban Transitions.

Liliana Doganova


Liliana Doganova is Associate Professor at the Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation, Mines Paris, PSL University. At the crossroads of economic sociology and STS (Science and Technology Studies), her research explores valuation practices in the economy. She is the author of Valoriser la Science and co-author of Capitalization: A Cultural Guide. Her new book analyzes the relations between temporality and valuation through a historical sociology of the technique of "discounting the future". Her current research projects focus on forestry and drug pricing.

Paolo Giardullo

University of Padua

Paolo Giardullo, Ph.D. in Sociology of Cultural Phenomena and Normative Processes, is Assistant Professor in Sociology, at the University of Padova, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) where he teaches Environmental Sociology for the "Bachelor's Degree Course in Sociological Sciences" and Social Research Methodology and Techniques. He contributed to research projects on the topics of Responsible Research and Innovation, air quality policies and refused forms of knowledge. In parallel to these experiences, he has deepened the epistemological and methodological aspects of digital sociology in different application contexts such as cultural consumption and public representations about environmental issues. In 2022 he has been elected as Secretary of STS Italia.

Nicole A. Hall

Independent scholar

Nicole A. Hall writes philosophy as an independent scholar, having written her PhD under the
supervision of Emily Brady. She has held postdocs at the Institut Jean Nicod, Texas A&M University,
Institut Paul Bocuse, with numerous publications in the British Journal of Aesthetics, the Journal of
Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, anthologies on 18th century aesthetics, artificial intelligence, with
a forthcoming paper in Contemporary Aesthetics. She has a particular interest in value theory (aesthetics
and ethics), environmental philosophy, political philosophy, the philosophy of mind and perception and
the philosophy of technology. She is currently working on developing a virtues approach to
environmental aesthetics and ethics that extends to the everyday, ecological, environmental, and social
justice within the context of everyday life and experience.

Gioia Laura Iannilli

University of Bologna

Gioia Laura Iannilli is Senior Assistant Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Bologna. She has been a member of the executive committee of the Italian Society of Aesthetics and the secretary of the Experience Research Society. She serves in the editorial boards of several scientific journals and book series. Her areas of research are John Dewey’s, Experience Design, Everyday, and Environmental Aesthetics, she is also interested in problem-setting and problem-solving processes and the relationship between new technologies and aesthetics both as a philosophical discipline and as a practice. On these topics she has published essays, book chapters, entries, and monographs. Her latest books are L’estetico e il quotidiano. Design, Everyday Aesthetics, esperienza (2019) and The Aesthetics of Experience Design. A Philosophical Essay (2020). She has also edited the volume Co-operative Aesthetics. A Quasi-Manifesto for the 21st Century (2022).

Julia Nordblad

Uppsala University

Julia Nordblad works as an associate professor (lektor) at the at Department of History of Science and Ideas - Uppsala University. She specializes in the intellectual and political history of the current ecological crisis, especially its temporal aspects. She currently works on two projects. The first examines the political history of the concept of biodiversity. The second examines the history of ecological economics as political thought, 1980–2000.

Annalisa Pelizza

University of Bologna | University of Aarhus

Annalisa Pelizza is Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the University of Bologna and at the University of Aarhus (Denmark), Department of Digital Design and Information Studies. She coordinates the research group in Governance Of and By Infrastructures (GOBI), Department of Philosophy, UNIBO. Her research and teaching interests span: Governance of and by technology; Sociotechnical aspects of data infrastructures, including ontologies and interoperability; The long-term relationships between modern polities and infrastructures for populations and territory management; Social informatics and its methods. Prof. Pelizza has been the recipient of excellence science grants, including the Processing Citizenship research project funded by the European Research Council and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Luigi Pellizzoni

Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Luigi Pellizzoni is full professor of Sociology of the environment and territory at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy, and co-ordinator of the research group “Politics-Ontologies-Ecologies”. His theoretical and empirical interests intersect three fields: risk, uncertainty, environmental change and sustainability; social and ecological impacts of techno-science; contentious politics, new mobilizations and the transformation of governance.

Paolo Savoia

University of Bologna

Trained as a philosopher and historian of science, Paolo Savoia worked on the history of fin de siècle psychiatry and the human sciences, historiography of science, and the history of medicine in Renaissance and early modern Europe. His current research areas are: the social, cultural, and gender history of the sciences; history of medicine and the body; history of the relations between food and science; the relations between practical and theoretical knowledge in early modern Europe; the historiography of science and the environment; the political history of the ideas of nature.