
Mariella Lorusso
Mariella Lorusso, Associate Professor, has a PhD in Literatures and Cultures of the English Speaking Countries. Since 1999 has taught English for the fashion industry at Fashion Studies, University of Bologna, Rimini satellite campus, Italy. Her research focuses mainly on fashion, its specific language, and on the themes of decolonization and appropriation in Indigenous cultures of North America. Has written various essays and translated texts about fashion, Native American literature and culture. Has compiled the first bilingual dictionary on fashion (English/Italian, Italian/English) Dizionario della moda, Zanichelli, 2017. Her book entitled Contro il terrorismo dal 1492 - donne, resistenza e spiritualità nella scrittura aborigena canadese was published by Arcipelago in 2008 and 2010. For the publisher Atlante, Bologna, she has translated La Moda dalla A alla Z, by Marnie Fogg (2012 and 2021), and from 2015 to 2022 books from the “Vogue On” series including Vogue. Christian Dior, Charlotte Sinclair, Vogue. Valentino, D. Beyfus, Vogue. Gianni Versace, C. Sinclair, Vogue. Alexander McQueen, C. Fox, Vogue. Yves Saint Laurent, N. Fraser-Cavassoni. Has translated poetry books by the Cheyenne poet Lance Henson: Traduzioni in un giorno di vento, La Rosa (2001), I testi del lupo, Nottetempo (2009), and La perlina mancante, Arcipelago (2014). Is part of the ZoneModa Journal Editorial Board, has participated in and organized (and acted as translator for) various conferences including “Aboriginal Fashion in Canada: Identification and Contact Zones” (2009); “Alexandra Palmer: La Moda al Museo, Curating and Creating the New P. Harris Gallery of Textiles & Costume at ROM” (2009); and “Organic, Recycled, Off The Grid: The Ethic Fashion Of Christina Kim” (2008).

Simona Segre-Reinach
Simona Segre-Reinach, Associate Professor of Fashion Studies at Bologna University, Italy, and fashion curator. She has written extensively on fashion from a global perspective in books such as Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion (2010), The Fashion History Reader (2010), Fashion Media. Past and Present (2013), A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion (2016), The Cambridge Global History of Fashion (forthcoming). Her research includes field work in China and Italy on Sino-Italian collaborations in global fashion. On this matter she published several articles/books/chapters such as “Fast Fashion vs Prêt à Porter. Towards a New Culture of Fashion” (2005), Agenda…“One Fashion Two Nations. Italian-Chinese Collaborations” (Duke 2018); Fashion-making and co-creation in the transglobal landscape: Sino-Italian fashion as method with Wessie Ling (2019); “Toward an Ethnography of Sino-Italian Fashion Relations in the 2020s” (2021). Recent authored books include: Biki. French Visions for Italian Fashion (Rizzoli 2019); Fashion in Multiple Chinas: Chinese Styles in the Transglobal Landscape, with Wessie Ling (I.B. Tauris–Bloomsbury, 2018); Exhibit! Fashion on Show: Exhibition Spaces and Brand Spaces, with Luca Marchetti (Mondadori Pearson, 2017); and Per un vestire gentile. Moda e Liberazione animale (Pearson 2022); Rodrigo Pais. Sguardi sulla moda dal 1950, with Guido Gambetta (Drago 2022). Exhibitions include: 80s–90s Facing Beauties: Italian Fashion and Japanese Fashion at a Glance (Rimini Museum, 2013); Jungle: The Imagery of Animals in Fashion (Torino Venaria Reale, 2017) and Rodrigo Pais. Sguardi sulla moda dal 1950 (digital exhibition Bub Bologna). She is a member of scientific boards such as Bloomsbury Fashion Central Advisory Board; Fashion Theory Editorial Board; and Critical Studies of Fashion & Beauty Advisory Board. She is editor-in-chief of ZoneModa Journal.
Flavia Piancazzo, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Nadica Maksimova, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Ylenia Caputo, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
Graphic Design
Leandro Palanghi, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)