Mach-5 / 1-4 September 2024 / Bertinoro / Italy

Registrations are now closed.
Have a look at the final scientific program!
Hosted in the beautiful fortress of Bertinoro, on a hill that dominates the Pianura Padana and the Adriatic coast of the Emilia-Romagna region, the conference is the second event of a biannual conference series on the fascinating topic of molecular machinery, after the meeting hold at the Plön castle, Germany, in September 2022.
Mach-5 welcomes young scientists active in the field of artificial molecular machines and their components (motors, switches, rotors, actuators …). Studies of these systems within the 3M (modelling, making and measuring) are welcome, as well as contributions focused on the functions that can arise arise from coupling of molecular machines to an energy source or trigger (light, redox, concentration gradient, electric, magnetic fields, etc.) and their interaction with the environment (solution, surface, polymers, biological systems, etc.).
Mach-5 aims at creating a scientific forum on the various theoretical and experimental aspects related to the design, development and application of molecular machinery. The event is focused on the involvement and support of young investigators, defined as scientists at the beginning of their independent research career, after the PhD, but before a tenured position.
The scientific program features presentations from young scientists, with ample room for discussion. Senior scientists are welcome as session chairs and discussion moderators. A few tutorial and/or inspirational lectures from leading scientists in the field will also be included in the program. Contributions on controversial or innovative topics, vision statements, reflections on general problems, perspectives on emerging problems and challenges, inter/multidisciplinary approaches, relationships with culture, society and science policies, are particularly welcome. The informal environment and the rich social program are expected to foster networking and free exchange of ideas. The active presence of all the registered participants to the scientific sessions and the social events is a crucial ingredient for the success of the meeting.