The conference aims to share experiences of policies and practices of entrepreneurial support initiatives for migrants (e.g., pre-incubation, incubation, or acceleration programs), thus generating new evidence, increasing awareness of potential strengths and weaknesses of such initiatives, and stimulating academic-policy-practice dialogue to improve policy and practice.
The conference is open to researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners interested in the topic of the conference and able to present and share their experiences.
The conference is organized as a two-days event: the first day (27th April) will be open to policy-practice interaction with academia, and the second day (28th April) will be focused on academic papers. As for academic scholars, the conference is interdisciplinary and open to contributions from economics, political sciences, demography, sociology, anthropology, and other relevant disciplines and sub-disciplines.

The conference is organized within the Erasmus+ project MIG.EN.CUBE, coordinated by the Department of Management, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, and with the partnership of Fondazione Grameen Italia; Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam; Impact Hub Amsterdam; Institut Supérieur de Gestion; PLACE Network; Migration Policy Group; and Impact Hub Network.