Ksenia Bravaya

Department of Chemistry, Boston University, MA, USA
Ksenia Bravaya received her M.Sc. in Chemistry (2005, with honors) and Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry (2008) from Moscow State University (Russia). She completed her postdoctoral training with Prof. Anna Krylov at the University of Southern California (2013).
Currently, Ksenia Bravaya is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Boston University. Her research interests in theoretical chemistry cover a wide range of topics associated with electron-mediated processes, from reactive electron scattering in the gas phase to charge transport in biological macromolecules.
More information is available on Bravaya’s group website: https://people.bu.edu/kbravgrp/
Invited talk title: Multireference methods for electronic resonances.
Abstract available here.