Torrecid Group

Torrecid Group is a globalized multinational business group founded in 1963, dedicated to provide products, services, solutions and future trends to the ceramic and glass sector. Its headquarters are located in Alcora - Castellón, in Spain. In 1978, Mr. Federico Michavila Heras, the current chairman and CEO, joined Torrecid. He led the change with a new vision for the business, and together with his team transformed a small family company into a global multinational worldwide leader.
Torrecid Group is now present in 28 countries around the world with customers in more than 120 countries.
Torrecid Group's presence in Italy dates back to 1989.
Torrecid Italy is located in Fiorano Modenese and it is the first subsidiary established out of Spain with a clear objective of positioning in the leading manufacturing ceramics market.Nowadays Torrecid Italy provides products, service, innovative solutions to customers of ceramic, glass and plastic sector.
In 2000 it was incorporated Eracles S.r.l. a company of alumina balls and Eralox linings, nowadays also Eracles is located in Fiorano Modenese. Eracles provides high quality products for grinding processes, offers technical service to its national and international customers of ceramic sector and it is entering in new sectors.
Ambito disciplinare di interesse:
- Pharmacy-Chemistry
- Economics & Statistics (Finance, Economics, Economics and Business Management, Economics for Environment and Culture, Management Studies, Statistics, Statistical, Demographic and Actuarial Sciences)
- Biology and earth science
- Engineering (Chemical, Biochemical and Process engineering, Civil engineering, Energy engineering, management Engineering, Mechanical engineering, Environmental engineering)
- Foreign Languages
- Science(Environmental Assessment and Management, Chemistry / Materials Chemistry, Chemistry and Technologies for the Environment and Materials, Industrial Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Sciences,
Geological Sciences, Natural Sciences)
Area di inserimento:
- Acquisti
- Amministrazione e Controllo d’Impresa
- Import / Export
- Logistica / Trasporti / Distribuzione
- Marketing e Vendite
- Qualità, sicurezza, ambiente
Posizioni offerte
Competenze tecniche:
- Conoscenza lingua inglese - livello B2
- Titoli di studio preferenziali in ambito ingegneristico / scientifico
Competenze trasversali
- Disponibilità ad effettuare frequenti viaggi e trasferte all'estero
- Buone doti comunicative, di relazione interpersonale e di negoziazione
Competenze tecniche
- Conoscenza della lingua inglese - livello B2
- Conoscenza della lingua spagnolo - livello B1
- Buon utilizzo di Microsoft Excel
Competenze trasversali
- Buone doti comunicative, di relazione interpersonale e di negoziazione
- Buone doti organizzative e alta dinamicità
Competenze tecniche
- Conoscenza lingua inglese - livello B1
- Titoli di studio preferenziali in ambito ingegneristico / scientifico
Competenze trasversali
- Disponibilità ad effettuare frequenti viaggi e trasferte in Italia
- Buone doti comunicative, di relazione interpersonale e di negoziazione
Modalità di inserimento:
- Short Term contract