The Neuroscience of Motivation Decision and Learning Group of the University of Bologna Psychology Department is very happy to invite you to the hybrid conference “The Motor-way to Decision Making - MoDeM”.
The conference will disseminate the results of the MoDeM Project, which investigates the role of the cortical motor system in decision making and is funded by the Human Brain Project and FLAG-ERA.
The speakers will include senior and young scientists from the project’s partner laboratories: the Neuroscience of Motivation Decision and Learning Group (University of Bologna), the Gazzola Group (Netherland Institue of Neuroscience), and Disorders of the Brain Group (Institut des Sciences Cognitives Marc Jeannerod)
The conference will be held on June 6:
- In person: Aula Anfiteatro, University of Bologna Psychology Department "Renzo Canestrari”, Piazza Aldo Moro 90, 47521 Cesena FC
- Online via zoom: https://unibo.zoom.us/j/85097007930. Meeting ID: 850 9700 7930
Participation is free.