We are happy to announce the first PSAAG workshop Early Career Colloquium!

This presents an excellent opportunity for young scholars to showcase and engage in discussions with academics in their fields. 

PhD students at any phase of their PhD journey, and early career researchers within three years of completing their PhD are welcome. We strongly encourage first-year PhD students to participate, even if they wish to present their research plans or work in progress. It does not have to be exclusively related to risk and uncertainty but can range over topics such as public service management, accounting and accountability.



(Nov. 30th, 9.00-12.30)


Aula Prodi

9.00 – 9.15 Opening Welcome speech

  • Brief introduction by Paolo Ferri and Paola Canestrini
  • Institutional greetings by Paola Villano, Social psychologist and Delegate of the University of Bologna for Occupational Well-Being


9.15 – 10.15 Kick-off speech 

Trajectories of resilience in young researchers' careers by Chiara Ruini, Clinical Psychologist at the University of Bologna

Content: Stemming from the psychology of well-being research, the contribution will describe the role of positive emotions, self-determination and personal realization in buffering the stress of early career stages in academic domains. These contexts are characterized by high levels of competition, internal and external pressures to publish and uncertainty about the future. Current research in psychological resilience has documented that these challenges can be overcome by promoting adaptive coping strategies, such as a strong sense of purpose in life and a flexible cognitive style. The presentation will illustrate some of these approaches to promote the resilience of young researchers.


10.15 – 10.30 Coffee break


10.30 – 12.30 Early Career Colloquium

Each session comprises a limited number of research proposals, each consisting of a 15-minute presentation, a 5-minute discussion by nominated discussants, and 10 minutes for Q&A (thus, a total time of 30 minutes per proposal).

Presenters should send their PowerPoint files by Nov. 29th by 1.00 PM to paola.canestrini@unibo.it


Session A - Aula Prodi

Chair: Paolo Ferri; Discussants: Andrea Menniken, Susana Jorge

  • Firdawss Gartite, "The risk of Public-Private Partnerships in Healthcare. A case study" – Discussant: Susana Jorge
  • Ottavia Dorrucci, “Worth for Who? Insights and queries on the application of Boltanski and Thévenot Economies of Worth theory in Accounting and Management" – Discussant: Andrea Mennicken
    • Roberta Ferrarini, "Venice and its Lagoon. The clash between conservation policies and policy-making" – Discussant: Andrea Mennicken
    • Adriano D'Onofrio "A solution for local asymmetrical shocks: regional rainy-day funds for stabilization and risk sharing" – Discussant: Susana Jorge


Session B - Aula Gualandi

Chair: Paola Canestrini; Discussants: Maria Francesca Sicilia, Eric Scorsone, Enrico Bracci

  • Dana Natan-Krup and Shlomo Mizrahi, "Why do Citizens Expect Auditors to Conduct a Stringent Audit?" [Online] – Discussant: Mariafrancesca Sicilia
  • Edidiong Bassey and Emer Mulligan, "Rethinking Autonomy-Accountability in a Developing Country Context" [Online] – Discussant: Enrico Bracci
  • Sara D'Attorre, "Challenges and opportunities of a regional data economy: comparative analysis of strategies, governance, and impacts of HPC ecosystems in Emilia-Romagna, Catalonia, United States, and Japan" – Discussant: Eric Scorsone
  • Thiago Vitor Ferreira Soares, "Global Accountability for Grand Challenges and Stigmas from Calculative Practices" – Discussant: Enrico Bracci
