HP_sim&app23 and Carnot User Meeting 2023
New insights on heat pump technologies for existing and forthcoming energy systems - from refrigerant cycle to building scale and Carnot User Meeting 2023
Two keynote lectures and several talks from industries, universities and research centers are scheduled. Dr. Caroline Haglund Stignor, manager of the Heat Pump Center, will present the outlook for heat pumping technologies in Europe. The lecture of Prof. Claudio Zilio, full professor at the University of Padua, is related to the integration of heat pumps in the next generation of sustainable buildings.
Researchers from Viessmann, Danfoss, Daikin, Galletti, Immergas, Hiref, Eneren, Rivacold, Mathworks, University of Innsbruck, University of Ferrara, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, University of Geneva, Reutlingen University, Fraunhofer Italia, University of Applied Sciences Dusseldorf, SPF-OST and University of Applied Sciences Aachen are joining the workshop as speakers.
Not much doubt about the use of heat pumps in buildings is next to drive the deep renovation linked to the current and challenging energy transition and boost the decarbonization of the building stock.
Heat pumps can be integrated effectively in various ways in buildings and industrial processes:
- small-size heat pumps for new and refurbished apartments and detached residential buildings
- medium-size heat pumps for multi-family buildings or block- wise applications
- heat pumps dedicated to industrial applications and processes, such as waste heat recovery, high temperature heat pumps
From a holistic perspective, optimal refrigerant cycle design, integration of heat pumps in existing or newly-built HVAC systems, optimization of control strategy are some of the open questions that need to be answered to provide the maximum exploitation of renewable energy sources and enable the mimization of primary energy consumptions. This workshop will give new insights on the most recent advances in heat pumps and heat pump applications, on the basis of selected lectures from industrial and academic researchers. Practical applications and results from simulation tools will highlight the significant role of heat pumps in the next future.
Conference topics
- Research and development on heat pump refrigerant cycle
- New environment-friendly refrigerants
- Recent advances on heat pump systems and components
- Industrial and high temperature heat pumps
- Hybrid heat pump systems
- Sorption and not-traditional heat pump systems
- Simulation-assisted design and optimization of heat pump and heat pump applications
- Advances in Simulink-based tools for HVAC systems numerical simulations
Who cannot miss!
We highly encourage researchers, manufacturers, representatives from industries, utilities, the public sector and HVAC systems designers to participate and present their most recent and innovative developments in heat pump applications.