Instructors (on remote)

Paolo Tortora, PhD

Paolo Tortora, PhD

Full Professor, University of Bologna, Italy

Full Professor at University of Bologna since 2017, carries out his research in the field of Space Systems. His research interests include small satellites and innovative spacecraft subsystems, including the ground segment, and planetary exploration focusing on radio science experiments with deep space missions. Scientific director of several national and international research projects, he collaborates with European and US-based companies and space agencies. Author of 127 publications indexed on Scopus (h-index = 22, May 2021).

Gizaw Mengistu Tsidu, PhD

Gizaw Mengistu Tsidu, PhD

Full Professor, Earth and Environmental Science Department - BIUST, Botswana

Prof. G.M. Tsidu s currently Professor at Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST). He obtained his BSc and MSc in Physics from the Addis Ababa University. He obtained a PhD in Atmospheric Physics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in 2004. Specialized in atmospheric remote sensing from satellites, his research interests include modelling and observational studies of lower atmosphere dynamics and climate, understanding mechanisms of coupling of the middle atmosphere and ionosphere and its impact on space weather.

Dario Modenini, PhD

Dario Modenini, PhD

Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, Italy

Assistant Professor at University of Bologna since 2020, carries out his research in the field of Space Systems. His research interests include small satellites subsystemssuch as attitude determination and control, navigation and micropropulsion. He is involved is several research projectscollaborating with companies and space agencies.

Marco Zannoni, PhD

Marco Zannoni, PhD

Assistant Professor, University of Bologna, Italy

Assistant professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University Bologna, since 2010 is member of the Radio Science and Planetary Exploration Laboratory, participating to radio science experiments (Cassini, Juno, BepiColombo, Juice), working on data analysis and orbit determination for geodesy applications.

Note: Due to COVID-19, the physical presence is only allowed to applicants from Botswana and is limited by the ongoing regulation at BIUST.