The DiScreetAI Project

DIstributed SeCuRE on-Edge plaTform for AI in industrial automation

The accelerating digitalization in industrial domains has resulted in an abundance of data. However, the sector faces substantial challenges in embracing cloud-based Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS) solutions due to privacy and compatibility concerns. To address this, the DiScreetAI platform emerges as a transformative solution, stemming from the OPT4SMART research project under the EU Horizon 2020 program. Leveraging methodologies developed in OPT4SMART, DiScreetAI adopts an innovative algorithmic framework allowing multiple computing nodes to collaboratively solve optimization problems without centralizing private data.

DiScreetAI addresses the industry-wide challenge of AI integration for quality control, supply chain optimization and fleet management through a threefold approach: on-premise privacy-preserving storage and computing, device compatibility, and scalability.

Operating on the edge, DiScreetAI ensures data proximity to each device, employs industrial automation standards for compatibility, and facilitates scalable solutions by leveraging existing computing units.

The project is funded by "Quarta edizione Bando POC Proof of Concept d'Ateneo - Finanziamento UNIBO”.