Monitoring agriculture for market management and food security

October 9, 2015, European Union Pavilion (11 am - 7 pm)


Agricultural and agro-environmental monitoring, yield forecasting and early warning, deforestation and land use/land cover monitoring, are critical for policy makers. Accurate, timely and cost-effective approaches to these issues generally rely on the use of advanced methods, remote sensing data, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Moreover, upcoming satellites offer the possibility to improve some applications. In this conference, advanced methods developed so far are discussed, focusing on advantages, requirements and limitations.

    Expected outcome

    A wide audience will have an overview of the status of art for agricultural and agro-environmental monitoring, yield forecasting and early warning, deforestation and land use/land cover monitoring. Papers will have a solid scientific content, but will be presented targeting non-specialist EXPO visitors. The audience will include researchers and students of various disciplines related to food, agriculture and agro-environment, policy makers, public officers, public and private donors, UN Organizations, NGOs, farmers organizations, food industries, biofuel industries and other entrepreneurs for which timely and reliable quantitative information concerning food and agriculture is essential (producers of fertilizers, seeds, machinery for technical equipment, for packaging and so on

    Monitoring agriculture for market management and food security



    Paolo PizziolInstitute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

    Elisabetta Carfagna – Department of Statistical Sciences - Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna


    11:00 Welcome – Neil Hubbard – Head of MARS Unit, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre


    11:15 Welcome – Fabio Fava, Professor, University of Bologna & Italian Representative Horizon2020 Programme Committee European Bioeconomy Challenges: Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research


    Chairperson: Neil Hubbard – Head of MARS Unit, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre


    11:30 Opening Paolo De Castro, S&D Coordinator, Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and Rapporteur for Expo 2015, European Parliament

    11:50 Giampiero GenoveseHead of Unit Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Economy, Joint Research Centre
    Improving agricultural statistics for market management, food security and agro-environmental monitoring


    12:10 Paul Racionzer Team Leader, GIEWS Database and Information Tools Team, Global Information and Early Warning System, Trade and Markets Division (EST), UNFAO
    Earth Observation for Monitoring Agriculture in FAO’s Global Information and Early Warning System


    12:30 Stefan Niemeyer Leader AGRI4CAST Action, Joint Research Centre
    The MARS Crop Yield Forecasting System


    12:50 Discussion


    13.10 – 14:20 Lunch


    14.20 – 14:50 Tour of EU pavilion


    Chairperson: Elisabetta CarfagnaFull Professor of Statistics, University of Bologna


    14:50 Michael Steiner Senior Mathematical Statistician, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
    Appropriate Survey Methods for Different Country Profiles - Key Challenges, Gaps and Remaining Methodological Issues


    15:10 Philippe Loudjani Project Leader, Joint Research Centre
    Use of new technologies for monitoring Common Agricultural Policy subsidies


    15:30 Giuseppe Arbia Full Professor of Economic Statistics, Cattolica University
    Statistical modelling of agricultural data in a world of big data


    15:50 Cristiano Ferraz Associate Professor of Statistics, Federal University of Pernambuco and Fulvia Mecatti – Full Professor of Statistics, University of Milano Bicocca
    Combining different sampling frames for agricultural statistics


    16:10 Discussion


    16:30– 17:00 Coffee break


    Chairperson: Giampiero Genovese Head of Unit Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Economy, Joint Research Centre


    17:00 Monica PratesiFull Professor of Statistics, University of Pisa and Alessandra PetrucciAssociate Professor of Statistics, University of Firenze
    Disaggregating agricultural statistics by small area models


    17:20 Roberto BenedettiFull Professor of Economic Statistics, University of Chieti-Pescara, Paolo Postiglione University of Chieti-Pescara and Federica Piersimoni – Istat
    More efficient and accurate methods for using remote sensing


    17:40 Javier GallegoStatistician, Joint Research Centre
    Satellite images and crop area estimation: perspectives with new sensors


    18:00 Emily BergResearch Assistant Professor, Iowa State University, Wayne Fuller, Sarah Nusser, and Zhengyuan ZhuIowa State University
    Advanced methods for agricultural and agro-environmental monitoring


    18:20 – 18:50 – General discussion and concluding remarks

    18:50 Closing – David Wilkinson, Commissioner General for EU participation to EXPO and Director of the JRC's Institute for Environment and Sustainability


    Executive summary

    [ .pdf 105Kb ]

    Executive summary of the conference "Monitoring agriculture for market management and food security"

    1 Video message DE Castro

    [ .mp4 434133Kb ]

    2 Presentation Genovese

    [ .pdf 913Kb ]

    3 Presentation Racionzer

    [ .pdf 2195Kb ]

    4 Presentation Niemeyer

    [ .pdf 5429Kb ]

    5 Presentation Steiner

    [ .pdf 422Kb ]

    6 Presentation LOUDJANI

    [ .pdf 1375Kb ]

    7 Presentation Arbia

    [ .pdf 674Kb ]

    8 Ferraz Mecatti

    [ .pdf 867Kb ]

    9 Presentation Berg

    [ .pdf 580Kb ]

    11 Gallego Lopez

    [ .pdf 865Kb ]



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    Second session

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    Pratesi Petrucci

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    Third session

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    Carfagna Wilkinson

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    Steiner Pizziol Carfagna

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    Tree of life

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