
Prof. Fong-Chin Su

(National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

(ICMMB President)

"Hand Biomechanics and Rehabilitation"

(Orthopedics – Biomechanics, devices and technology)


Prof. Bernardo Innocenti

(Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

"Research in Total Knee Arthroplasty Biomechanics"

(Orthopedics – Biomechanics, devices and technology)


Prof. Kheng-Lim Goh

(Newcastle University in Singapore)

“Emerging technologies in Green biocomposites for orthoses and external prostheses”

(Biomaterials and prosthesis)  


Prof. Mohamed Yacin Sikkandar

(Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia)

"Emerging methods in Biosignal Processing"

(Biosignal Processing)


Prof. Xiaojun Chen

(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

"AI and AR-based image processing, navigation and robotics in computer assisted cranio-maxillofacial surgery"

(AI and Image processing)


Dr. Gabriele Guidi

(A.O. U. di Modena, Dept. of Medical Physics, Modena, Italy)

"AI and imaging frontiers applied to human biological system in medical physics"

(AI and Medical physics)


Prof. Liang Zhong

(National Heart Centre Singapore, Duke-National University in Singapore)

"Coronary Physiology Based Diagnosis of Ischemia-Inducing Stenoses: Basics and Clinical Applications"

(Cardiovascular Mechanics and Physiology)


Prof. Romano Zannoli

(University of Bologna, Italy)

"Biomechanical aspects involved in CO2 Angiography"

(Vascular imaging)