The scope of this workshop is to promote the integration of approaches and techniques developed by different communities that share a common interest in irregular stochastic analysis, to gain deep insight into a variety of problems related to stochastic models arising from specific applications that include the following:

- McKean-Vlasov equations and related Fokker-Planck equations, including kinetic models;

- Models for spike trains of large neuronal systems driven by stochastic point processes;

- Stochastic dynamical systems and their limiting stochastic PDEs;

- Multi-player stochastic control problems and mean-field games;

- Complex systems, self-organized criticality, porous media equations;

- Entropic optimization and transport.

The workshop also aims at fostering the interaction between recognized experts in the field and early career researchers.


- Elena Bandini            - Viorel Barbu                - Francesco Caravenna   - Sandra Cerrai

- Ioana Ciotir                - Andrea Cosso             - Robert Dalang               - Anne De Bouard

- François Delarue       - Cristina Di Girolami   - Giulia Di Nunno              - Ana Djurdjevac

- Franco Flandoli         - Chris. Henderson       - Arturo Kohatsu-Higa      - Stephane Menozzi

- Alberto Ohashi         - Christian Olivera         - Michela Ottobre.            - Andrea Pascucci     

- Alexandre Richard   - Michael Röckner         - Barbara Rüdiger            - Marielle Simon

- Jonas Tölle               - Rongchan Zhu       


                                    Organizing and scientific committee: 

                                        - Elena Issoglio (Università di Torino)

                                        - Stefano Pagliarani (Università di Bologna)

                                        - Francesco Russo (ENSTA Paris)


Info at:



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