We are pleased to announce that the XXV Workshop on Quantitative Finance (QFW2024) will be held in Bologna on April 11 – 13, 2024 (no online sessions), and hosted by the University of Bologna.
The workshop aims to bring together academia and industry to stimulate discussions and interactions between researchers and professionals on the theoretical and applied aspects of Quantitative Finance broadly understood. Contributions are welcome from the fields of Mathematical Finance, Quantitative Risk Management, Portfolio Optimization, Financial Economics, Empirical Corporate Finance, Insurance, Computational Finance, Econophysics, Financial Econometrics, Financial Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Fintech and Insurtech, Game-Theoretical Models in Finance, and other related research areas.
Participation of Ph.D. students, young researchers, and practitioners is particularly encouraged.
On Thursday, April 11th, from 1:00 to 2:15 PM at the Auditorium in Piazza Scaravilli 2, we will host the first Quantitative Finance MSc Poster Session dedicated to graduating QF students willing to share their work and ideas with the Quantitative Finance Community.