Special Issue

Following the success of the XXV Workshop on Quantitative Finance held in Bologna, Italy, on April 11-13, 2024,  QUANTITATIVE FINANCE (QF) will publish a dedicated Special Issue (SI). The SI is open to speakers whose contributions were accepted by the QFW2024 Scientific Committee. The manuscript submitted for the SI can differ from the contribution presented at QFW2024, but mandatorily, the corresponding author must be one of the conference speakers.


Submission fees for the SI are waived.

The review process will adhere to the same criteria used for regular issues of Quantitative Finance.

The deadline for submissions is January, 31st 2025.


The SI Guest Editors are

  • Giacomo Bormetti 

       Università degli Studi di Pavia

       Contact: giacomo.bormetti (at) unipv.it

  • Paolo Guasoni

       Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna and Dublin City University

       Contact: paolo.guasoni (at) unibo.it

  • Fabrizio Lillo,

       Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 

       Contact: fabrizio.lillo (at) unibo.it


To go ahead with the submission, please follow the steps below.

  1. Before you start the submission, please review the Instructions for Authors.
  2. Prepare your manuscript according to the QF Style Guidelines.
  3. To have the fee waived, you need a Discount Code. Send an email to giacomo.bormetti (at) unipv.it. In the subject line, specify “Submission to the QF SI - XXV Workshop on Quantitative Finance, Bologna’. Attach a pdf copy of your manuscript. As a reply, you will receive the Discount Code. The Code will expire on January, 31st 2025. Please request your Discount Code at least two days before the submission deadline.
  4. Submit the SI manuscript using the ‘Go to submission site button' on the QF journal homepage here. At the 1st step, ‘Manuscript,’ select from the ‘Special Issue or Article Collection name’ option ‘XXV Quantitative Finance Workshop.’ Continue to the 4th step – titled ‘Services’. Once here, there’s a box ‘Apply Discount Code’ to input a code. Insert the Discount Code you received and hit enter. Finalise your submission and submit.


For any further information about the SI, please get in touch with the Guest Editors.


Click below to download the call


[ .pdf 100Kb ]

Call for papers for the QF SI for the XXV Workshop on Quantitative Finance