Abstract Submission

Submission of title and abstract for oral/poster presentation:

Opening March 31, 2022 - Closing June 30, 2022

Notification of abstract acceptance:

July 10, 2022

If you plan to give a talk or present a poster, prepare an abstract using our LaTeX template and submit it.

Download the Latex template for preparing your abstract

Formats of admitted contributions

You are invited to contribute a presentation in one of the formats listed below:

  • Contributed Presentation in Lecture Format
  • Contributed Presentation in Poster Format


Contributed presentations in lecture or poster format are invited in all areas consistent with the conference themes.

A lecture format is generally a 20-minute oral presentation with an additional five (5) minutes for discussion. Talk lengths will be determined by the co-chairs at the close of submissions.

Each contributor, either for a lecture or a poster, must submit a title and a brief abstract not to exceed 1,500 characters, including spaces.