The 'Printemps du droit' in honour of Professor Mireille Delmas-Marty will host a second edition on 3 June 2024 at Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha - UCLM on the theme of the ecological emergency, which you can follow online!

Monday, 8 May 2023 | 2:30 p.m. (CET)

Palazzo Malvezzi | Via Zamboni 22, Bologna

Aula Magna

The seminar can be taken in-person without reservation or online through this link

What are Les printemps du droit ?


Les printemps du droits are international seminars on the work of Professor Mireille Delmas-Marty who left us in February 2022 and whose work invites us to prolong the dream she had in mind: to think of the recomposition of the legal landscape by imagining the instruments of the construction of a universalizable common law.

It is therefore not only a question of paying homage to her, but of putting her thought into motion in order to find solutions to the problems of our societies and to perpetuate her efforts to network the different visions of the world.

What will be discussed in Bologna?


This first international meeting of Les printemps du droit will be divided into two sessions.

A first session will be devoted to the theme War and Law, to the consequences (of the return) of war on the rule of law, through questions such as:

- How to reconcile the weaknesses of law with the aspiration for more and more justice?

- Can we still control war if we cannot prevent it?

- What is the respective role of states and international civil society in the emergence of an international criminal policy?

A second session will be devoted to the illustration of the Compass of Possibilities with artist Antonio Benincà, who will tell how he represented the thought of Mireille Delmas-Marty. This illustration will be accompanied by readings and speeches by jurists and linguists.



Download the flyer of the event

Flyer of the event

[ .pdf 478Kb ]

Location of the event - Palazzo Malvezzi | Via Zamboni 22, Bologna




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