Torna a Aziende partecipanti 2025

BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.a

Logo BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.a

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BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.A is a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO).
The BSP campus hosts 2 segregated facilities to serve the clients with development from pre-clinical GLP to cGMP manufacturing for clinical and commercial supply of Cytotoxic and High Potent Oncology drugs and Non-Cytotoxic, innovative compounds for Immunotherapy and other therapeutics applications.Facilities designed to handle small and large molecules as ADCs (conjugation and fill finish), Peptides, Proteins, Oligonucleotides and Nano Medicines.BSP is technologically developed to meet the needs of innovators, with its High Containment Facility designed to offer a full range of integrated services aimed to support the entire life cycle of a product, from the formulation and process development/optimization, through scale up/scale down studies.

Sito web aziendale


Settore merceologico


Aree disciplinari di interesse


  • Laurea in Chimica industriale

Farmacia e biotecnologie

  • Laurea in Biotecnologie
  • Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie molecolari e industriali
  • Laurea Magistrale in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche
  • Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Farmacia
  • Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Pharmacy

Ingegneria e architettura

  • Laurea in Ingegneria chimica e biochimica

Area di inserimento

  • Production, Quality Assurance Compliance, Quality Assurance Validation, Technology Transfer, Engineering & Qualification

Modalità di inserimento

  • Tirocinio