We particularly welcome abstracts addressing the following topics:
- Theory testing and comparisons using corpora
- Replication studies using corpora
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches to corpus-based studies
- Triangulating corpora with other data sources (e.g. user response, eye-tracking, EEG, and workplace ethnography)
- Underrepresented corpora, e.g. those involving signed language interpreting and onsite versus remote interpreting
- Corpora of constrained communication (Kotze & van Rooy 2024), e.g. those by untrained interpreters and learners
- Multimodal and multiple interpreting corpora
- Computer-assisted interpreting software and applications
- Machine interpreting systems
- Automated interpreting quality assessment based on corpora
- Corpus design according to principles of scientific data management (e.g. FAIR principles; Wilkinson et al. 2016)
Submission Format
The first page of the submission should contain each author’s name, affiliation (if any), and e-mail address. The abstract should be placed from the second page onwards, including the title, a text between 300 and 400 words (including examples, excluding references) that clearly states the research questions, methods, data, and (preliminary) results, and up to five keywords. The abstract should not contain any identifying information to allow for double-blind peer reviewing.
There will be three types of presentations:
- Full paper (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q & A)
- Poster
- Software demonstration
Authors may indicate a full paper, a poster, or a software presentation upon submission. Posters will be displayed on Day 1 of the Workshop, and a time slot will be reserved in the programme for participants to discuss with poster presenters. Software demonstrations will be held on Day 2 in a dedicated time slot.
Language of the Workshop
How to Submit
Abstracts will be submitted to
Post-Workshop Publications
A selection of papers will be published in an edited volume and a special issue in a scientific journal.