9th International Conference on
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision
May 21-25 2023, Sardinia - Italy
Conference proceedings
The proceedings are now available online, in Springer LNCS 14009:
Best PhD paper awards (ex aequo):
Nathan Buskulic for “Convergence Guarantees of Overparametrized Wide Deep Inverse Prior”
Samuel Hurault for “Relaxed Proximal Gradient Descent Algorithm for Convergent Plug-and-Play with Proximal Denoiser”
3D vision Approximation methods in imaging Compressed sensing Convex and nonconvex optimization Cross-scale structure Differential geometry and invariants Image- and feature analysis Imaging modalities Implicit surfaces Inverse problems in imaging Machine learning in imaging Manifold-valued data processing Mathematics of novel imaging methods Medical imaging and other applications Motion estimation and tracking |
Multi-orientation and multi-scale modelling and analysis Optical flow Optimization methods in imaging PDEs in data processing Perceptual grouping Registration Restoration and reconstruction Scale-space methods Segmentation Selection of salient scales Shape from X Stereo and multi-view reconstruction (Sub-)Riemannian geometry Surface and shape modelling and analysis Variational methods |