Camera Ready
Camera-ready submission instructions
Please carefully follow these instructions in order for your submission to be included in the LNCS proceedings:
1. Your camera-ready version MUST be submitted in the CMT conference website on
March 18th, 2023
the latest in order to be included in the proceedings.
2. Please carefully read the reviews and modify your submission accordingly. However, please note that there will not be another full review round. Please consider the referee comments and amend your article according to the recommendations.
3. The camera-ready version must strictly adhere to the guidelines as posted on the submission page. In particular, it must follow the LNCS format guidelines:
and must strictly remain within the page limit of 13 pages including suggested modifications, bibliography after de-anonymization and including the author names and affiliations and acknowledgements.
4. For each submission, please upload three files:
a) A .zip file include the LaTeX sources, figures, and all other files required for compilation.
b) A .pdf file of the compiled camera-ready version.
c) A .pdf file with the completed, signed, and scanned