Guidelines for speakers

Here we provide some instructions for the talks during the SWG-GAE workshop.

Check carefully your time slot in the agenda on the redmine. The schedule is quite packed and we would like to protect the discussion sessions by avoiding talks to leak into them, so please be sure to stay on your assigned time.

There are two options to show your presentation: 

  1. upload the slides on the redmine DMS, in the appropriate sub-folder. Only .pdf format will be accepted, to avoid compatibility problems between different OS. Please, remember to name the file starting with your surname (SURNAME_everyhing-you-want.pdf), to facilitate the LOC. We recommend uploading the slides well in advance of your talk, and no later than the last coffee break/lunch preceding your talk;
  2. use your own laptop. To do this, you will be asked to join the Zoom room of the workshop and share your screen. Be sure to have a working internet connection: credentials to access the University wifi will be distributed at the registration desk. Also, if you choose this option please inform the LOC, otherwise you are going to receive lots of reminders to upload your slides. Finally, we ask you to upload your presentations to the DMS anyway during or after the workshop, so that the slides can become available to the whole SWG.

      (this option is NOT available for short talks, neither in person nor virtual)

All speakers are kindly required to check with the LOC, during the last coffee break/lunch preceding their talk, that their presentation shows in the correct way or that the screen sharing works well. 

Do not forget that the ECICOM made available on the redmine a Euclid slide template.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. 


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Use this contact for any inquiries about the conference