How can universities foster, support and govern interdisciplinarity in a virtuous balance with disciplinary knowledge? How can evaluation and funding of interdisciplinary research be improved? How to overcome the obstacles to career development for researchers engaged in interdisciplinary research?
We are pleased to announce the publication of the Position Paper related to the event "Back to Fundamentals of Research - Interdisciplinarity" which took place online and in-person on October 9th, 2024.
Through this position paper, the University of Bologna intends to highlight the key messages that emerged from the discussions and point out the challenges and recommendations to create a more supportive environment for interdisciplinary research.
The Position Paper is available in our university repository and can be accessed at the following link:
We encourage everyone to share the document to foster an effective debate on these crucial issues at both national and international levels.
The event fostered an extensive discussion on interdisciplinarity by bringing together institutional stakeholders and researchers, with the aim of exploring opportunities, challenges and best practices as well as the diversity, richness and impacts of interdisciplinary research practices and methodologies.
The event took place online and in-person on Wednesday, October 9th 2024, at Aula Giorgio Prodi, from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm.