Fulvio Esposito

He is an Emeritus Professor of Parasitology. He acquired his scientific expertise at the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, where he obtained his PhD in Biology. His contributions mainly focus on malaria, a topic on which he has collaborated with the WHO (Geneva), spending long periods in Africa, where he contributed to the development of local universities. At the University of Camerino, he served as Dean and Rector. Since 2005, he has been collaborating with the European Commission (DG-RTD, Brussels) in expert groups dealing with researchers and research. He has twice (in 2013 and 2019) headed the technical secretariat of MIUR. Since 2016, he has represented Italy in the OECD Committee for Science and Technology Policy (Paris) and, since 2021, in the G7 working group on Security and Integrity of the Global Research Ecosystem. From 2020 to 2021, he coordinated with Fabrizio Barca the MUR Working Group on "The Role of Universities in Addressing Social, Economic, and Territorial Inequalities". Since July 2022, he has chaired the Evaluation Unit of Scuola Superiore S. Anna in Pisa.