Anna Chiara Fariselli

Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies (ISA), University of Bologna
She is Full Professor of Phoenician-Punic Archaeology at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. She studies funerary and sacred archaeology, craft categories, Phoenician and Punic music and the historical-archaeological reconstruction of Carthaginian society. She is involved in several archaeological excavation activities in Sardinia, where she is supervising two excavation projects in the Punic colony of Tharros. In her archaeological activity she has always been interested in inter- and transdisciplinary research, crossing her study of archaeological materials with physical, chemical, biological, anthropological and genetic sciences.
She was Delegate for Interdisciplinarity for the Vice-Rector for Research until February 2024 and has served as Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies since 2022. She is currently Director of the Department of Cultural Heritage at the University of Bologna.