Rebecca Montanari

Vice Rector for Digital Transformation, University of Bologna.
Her research records include activities in the area of information security and midlleware design/development for service provisioning in mobile and pervasive computing environments, including middleware solutions for the new emerging cyber-physical and Internet of Things systems. In particular, her research is currently focused on the study and design of blockchain technologies to support various supply chains, including agrifood, manufacturing and fashion and on security systems for Industry 4.0. She is involved in various research projects, internationally and European Community based in the ICT area, and also funded by Italian Organizations, such as the several Research Ministry and Regional funding systems. She has established several collaborations with state-of-the-art research centers in the field of semantic web, policy-and-security management, such as Nokia Research Center Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Imperial College London, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, PensacolaUSA. She has authored around 100 articles, most of them in international journals/magazines considered of high level in her research fields