Federico Ruggeri

Federico Ruggeri

University of Bologna

His main research area is integrating unstructured knowledge into deep learning models. He is
currently focusing on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Argument Mining, a branch of
NLP that aims at extracting arguments from unstructured texts.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Bologna in 2022 with the thesis ''Towards
Integrating Unstructured Knowledge in Natural Language Processing``.
During his PhD, he has defined the notion of Unstructured Knowledge Integration (UKI) and
investigated its applications in the fields of Legal Analytics and Argument Mining. He currently
hold the position of Post-doc Research Fellow at the Computer Science and Engineering
Department (DISI) of the University of Bologna. He is part of the AI4Europe project on the
development of horizontal matchmaking services that allow users to automatically retrieve AI
assets like scientific papers, experts' profiles, and educational resources. He is currently
focusing on knowledge extraction and Neuro-symbolic research areas for UKI.