The ITAlian COnference on Survey Methodology (ITACOSM) is a bi-annual international conference organized by the Survey Sampling Group (S2G) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS). For the first time, S2G and the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) collaborate to organize the ITACOSM2025-IASS, a Satellite Conference of the World Statistics Congress 2025.

The aim of ITACOSM2025-IASS Satellite Conference is to promote the scientific discussion on survey sampling methodologies and their application in the fields of economics, social, official statistics, demography, biology, and environmental sciences.

The main theme of the conference "Shaping the future of survey statistics in the data-driven era" highlights the need for survey statistics to adapt to a rapidly changing data-driven world. The conference will explore the opportunities and challenges of leveraging data-driven techniques to enhance survey accuracy, improve inference for small populations, and ensure the relevance of survey statistics in a fast-paced digital world. 

The conference will host two sessions sponsored by GRINS (Growing, Resilient, INclusive, and Sustainable) project financed by the Next Generation EU program (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), aimed at favouring resilient, inclusive, and sustainable growth.

Moreover, a session will be proposed by the y-SISa short for young SIS. Its aim is to provide a platform for early-career scientists to showcase their work, collaborate, and knowledge exchange on statistics.

A one-day short course will be held in Rimini on June 30, prior to the Conference. The topic is to be defined.


Conference Mailbox


Scientific Committee:

  • Maria Rosaria Ferrante (co-chair), Università di Bologna
  • Natalie Shlomo (co-chair), University of Manchester
  • Maciej Beręsewicz, Poznan University of Economics and Business
  • Gaia Bertarelli, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
  • Annamaria Bianchi, Università di Bergamo
  • Antonella D’Agostino, Università di Siena
  • Ton De Waal, Tilburg University & Statistics Netherlands
  • Claudia De Vitiis, ISTAT 
  • Enrico Fabrizi, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore
  • Danila Filipponi, ISTAT 
  • Sara Franceschi, Università di Siena
  • Camelia Goga, Université de Franche-Comté
  • David Haziza, University of Ottawa
  • Andrea Neri, Banca d'Italia
  • Carlo Trivisano, Università di Bologna

Organizing Committee:


  • Silvia De Nicolò (chair), Università di Bologna
  • Elisabetta Carfagna, Università di Bologna
  • Aldo Gardini, Università di Bologna
  • Fedele Greco, Università di Bologna
  • Silvia Pacei, Università di Bologna
  • Luca Trapin, Università di Bologna