Short Course
From Advanced Sampling Methods to Small Area Estimation: A Day of Learning

The course, held in Rimini on June 30th, is divided into two main topics: the morning session will focus on advanced sampling and estimation methods, while the afternoon session will provide an introduction to small area estimation.
This is an advanced course; therefore, a PhD-level understanding of statistics and survey sampling is required. Please bring your own laptop; attendees may also request a laptop for the day. To do so, please contact us ( in advance. Other information about fees and registration is available here.
Temptative Program
Course 1 (9.30 am-1 pm): Advanced sampling and estimation methods with R
Lecturer: Alina Matei
The course introduces advanced sampling methods (unequal probability sampling designs, balanced sampling, spatially balanced sampling, double balanced sampling, etc.) and some estimation methods (calibration and generalised calibration) using R. We show how these estimation methods can be used for both probability and non-probability samples. The emphasis is on applications and Monte Carlo simulation, but a brief presentation of the methods used is also given. Information on the R packages used will be provided before the course.
Course 2 (2.15 pm-5.45 pm): Introduction to Small Area Estimation (SAE) and some topics of recent research interest
Lecturer: Nikos Tzavidis
This course will start by introducing key concepts in small area estimation and by reviewing area-level and unit-level models with particular focus on the estimation of general parameters. We will then focus on some recent research topics. Examples include (a) the use of data-driven transformations for the unit-level model, (b) the use of remote sensing covariates in area-level and unit-level models, (c) methods for updating the estimates in the intercensal period, and (d) use of random forests for small area estimation of general parameters. SAE methods will be illustrated with real data from recent applications. Information about R packages for implementing SAE methods, including the R package emdi, will be included.
The Short Course will take place in the Alberti complex of the University of Bologna, Campus of Rimini, Room 7. Entrance from Cortile Alberti or Via Cattaneo 17, ground floor.