Keynote and Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Jean-François Beaumont
Statistics Canada
Jean-François Beaumont is currently Senior Statistical Advisor at Statistics Canada, where he has been working for almost 30 years. He has been the Editor of Survey Methodology since 2021, and one of the guest editors for the recent special issue of Metron on “Survey Methods for Statistical Data Integration and New Data Sources”. He was also one of the three 2022 Morris Hansen Lecturers and is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. Over his career, he has conducted development and research projects on several topics such as statistical data integration, small area estimation, treatment of missing values in surveys, bootstrap variance estimation and other estimation issues for sample surveys.
Michael Elliott
University of Michigan
Michael Elliott is Professor of Biostatistics and Research Professor of Survey Methodology at the University of Michigan. Dr. Elliott's statistical research interests focus around the broad topic of "missing data," including the design and analysis of sample surveys, causal and counterfactual inference, and latent variable models. He has worked closely with collaborators in injury research, pediatrics, women's health, the social determinants of physical and mental health, and smoking cessation research. He has served as co-Editor of the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology and co-Editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Statistics in Society.
Alina Matei
University of Neuchâtel
Alina Matei is Titular Professor of Statistics at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Her research interests include sampling theory, estimation in finite populations, and computational statistics. Alina is an Associate Editor of several international journals (International Statistical Review, Journal of Official Statistics, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Survey Methodology, The Survey Statistician).
Pier Francesco Perri
University of Calabria
After completing in 2002 his PhD in Methodological Statistics at the University of Trento, Pier Francesco Perri joined the University of Calabria where currently is Professor of Statistics at the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance “Giovanni Anania”. He has been Coordinator of the Bachelor and Master Degree in Statistics at the University of Calabria and Coordinator of the Survey Sampling Group of the Italian Statistical Society. He is member of the Executive Board of the Italian Statistical Society. His main research interest focuses on design-based sampling theory and survey designs for sensitive topics with indirect questioning techniques. He has served as Associate Editor the journal Statistical Methods & Applications and currently is Associate Editor for Metron, Statistics & Applications, and Model Assisted Statistics and Applications.
Bella Struminskaya
University of Utrecht
Bella Struminskaya is Associate Professor at the Department of Methodology and Statistics at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, and an Affiliated Researcher at Statistics Netherlands. Her research focuses on innovations in data collection such as using apps, wearables, and sensors in surveys and official statistics, and data donation of digital trace data. Bella has published on data quality in traditional surveys, ethical concerns, and on using wearables, apps, and sensors for data collection in the social sciences. She is a board member of the German Society for Online Research, and serves on the Methods Board of the European Social Survey and Scientific Advisory Board of Statistics Sweden.
Nikos Tzavidis
University of Southampton
Nikos Tzavidis is Professor of Statistical Methodology at the University of Southampton. His research focuses on topics in small area estimation, outlier robust estimation, quantile regression, applications of machine learning to official statistics and the integration of survey and geospatial data. His work has been published in major statistics journals for example, JASA, JRSS B, Biometrika, JRSS A, and JRSS C. Nikos has served as Head of Department of Social Statistics and Demography and Head of the School of Economic, Social and Political Sciences at Southampton. Between 2021 and 2023, he served as Vice-President of the International Association of Survey Statisticians and is currently member of the Advisory Board on Ethics of the International Statistical Institute. Nikos currently serves on the editorial boards of the JRSS C, and the Journal of Official Statistics. From January 1st, 2025, he will be joint Editor of the JRSS A.
Confirmed invited speakers
Serena Arima, Falco J. Bargagli Stoffi, Emily Berg, Gianni Betti, Annamaria Bianchi, Oriol Bosch, Ieva Burakauskaitė, Ray Chambers, Andrius Ciginas, Carina Cornesse, Pierluigi Conti, Hai-Anh H. Dang, Eugenia de Rosa, Albert Ernest, Enrico Fabrizi, Romina Filippini, Lara Fontanella, Nicolas Frink, Alessio Guandalini, Natalia Golini, Lucia Guastadisegni, Ahnert Henning, Christop Kern, Marcel Neunhoeffer, Federica Nicolussi, Navid Nobani, Martina Narcisi, Eleonora Porreca, Maria Giovanna Ranalli, Camilla Salvatore, Nicola Salvati, Sander Scholtus, Natalie Shlomo, Simona Rosati, Marco Terribili, Yves Tillé, Jeļena Voronova, Tomasz Żądło, Li-Chun Zhang.