Panel 49

More than human decentered design: which competences, which methods, which tools for interesting worlds to come?

Organizers: Micol Rispoli (1,2); Gianluca Burgio (3); Alvise Mattozzi (1); Ramon Ernesto Rispoli (4)

1: Politecnico di Torino, Italy; 2: BAU, Centre Universitari d'Arts i Disseny; 3: Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore"; 4: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Topics: Ecological transitions and climate justice; Knowledge co-creation, citizens science, co-design processes, material publics and grassroot innovation; Methodological challenges in a more-than-human world; Everyday life and design of the mundane; Building alliances in public participation and engagement

Keywords: cosmopolitical design, more than human design, inventive methods, pedagogy, design anthropology

Since few years, an intense and systematic dialogue between design disciplines and social sciences has thrived. Such dialogue has happened, on the one hand, when design research has started to get interested in social science methodologies and, in particular, in the ethnographic method, and, on the other, when social sciences have started to get interested in the social role of artifacts in a systematic way, especially thanks to STS. Such dialogue has never been limited to a simple exchange between two disciplinary fields, where one took simply something from the other. In many cases such dialogue has contributed to transform both design and social sciences and to give way to various experimental practices, which have had an influence also on pedagogy.

More recently many STS scholars, designers and design researchers felt the necessity to further expand the notion of sociality, in order to include other beings besides artifacts, as a way to address present and future challanges and interest future worlds to come. As the general theme of the conference indeed say, today, the multiple eco-social crises we are experiencing highlight the fact that co-existance is not just a human issue, but rather something that engages all the beings (living ones or not living ones) that take part to the biosphere ecosystems.

Any design project cannot but be conceived interdipendently participative: it is an activity of negotiations among multiple and heterogenous beings with differe agencies. Because of that, design, emerged along the unfolding of modernity and its late and slow fading as designed itself around the human or, better, around various specific figures of the human,need to be redesigned: the very notion of project, its background and its modalities need to be redesigned.

Today some designers (architects, engineers, product-interaction-graphic-service-social-younameit designers) are trying to engage in this challange, often starting from the pedagogical field. This panel intends to provide a stage, a place for reflection and discussion and a laboratory for further investigation and exploration of more-than-human design reflections, researches, projects, interventions and experimentations.

We invite papers, prototype presentations and performances, enaging, reflecting and discussing the following issues (among others)

  • interspecies co-design;
  • experiments in design and architecture pedagogy, addressing the more-than-human challenge;
  • what competences and kinds of knowledge more-than-human designers need
  • co-designing with neglected actors;
  • dismantling modernity, embracing complexity in design;
  • architectures of care in times of crisis;
  • design anthropology and its reframing through inventive methods to investigate more-than-human worlds.