Venue and support to the population hit by the flooding
Including actions to support the area hosting the conference
The STS Italia Conference 2023 will be hosted at the University of Bologna, in the premises of the Department of Philosophy and Communication, via Azzo Gardino 23. The conference venue is located in the city center, 10 minutes by foot from the central station, next to the main road via Marconi.
University of Bologna
Bologna is the capital city of the Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy. It is the seventh most populous city in Italy with about 400,000 inhabitants and a high ratio of university students. Its metropolitan area is home to around 1,000,000 people.
Bologna is said to be home to the oldest university in the world, hence of its nickname "The Learned". Since the XI century law students moved to Bologna - on the Northern boundary of the Church State - from all over Europe and they funded the University by inviting renowned professors. It is also known as "The Fat" for its rich cuisine, and "The Red" for its red coloured buildings and rooftops. Its outstanding 40 km long Porticoes have been declared UNESCO World Heritage site.
"The true essence of a visit to Bologna is disclosed within its old town, its streets and its wonderful squares, meeting places of sociality and conflicts, extremely versatile and ever-changing over time, and yet nerve centre of the city even today." Source: Bologna Welcome

As you might know, the Emilia-Romagna Region has recently been severely hit by flooding and landslides. The STS Italia 2023 organizing committee and the STS Board have committed to continue organising the conference, as the city of Bologna has not been overwhelmingly affected and the conference is not expected to negatively impact on disaster recovery.
At the same time, we are close to the (more-than-human) populations, businesses, organisations and institutions affected by the disaster and feel the necessity to contribute to the recovery. For this reason, STS Italia will make a donation to the regional Civil Protection, now at the frontline of recovery and reconstruction.
For those who wish to join STS Italia in making a donation, the regional Civil Protection ( receives contributions at:
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